Windows for Children’s Principals

We believe that children should be involved in all aspects of their care, and have a central role in any decision-making and/or care planning.
We believe that all children have the right to grow up within family settings. We work with children to ensure they can manage and maintain a subsequent transition into a “family” setting.
We believe residential care is often viewed as a “an anachronism, to be used only as a last resort” (Narey, M. (2016) Children's residential care in England: Sir Martin Narey’s independent review of children’s residential care in England, and the government's response, Department for Education.) but believe our therapeutic setting can intervene and alter a child’s fragmented trajectory.
We believe that children should be safe from harm, feel safe from harm, and be able to develop, thrive and meet their full potential.
We believe in the importance of relationship-based practice and providing children with a secure base to foster other positive relationships.
We act in the best interests of each child, and promotes the child’s physical and mental health and well-being. We value a child-led, play-based therapeutic approach as we recognise that children do not necessarily have the verbal language necessary to engage in traditional psychodynamic therapy. We recognise that behaviour is a form of communication, and can provide insight into a child’s thoughts, feelings and inner world.